1. Feeling like you have a problem when you have to talk to people in positions of authority.
2. You learn to free yourself from the fear that paralyzes you
3. You find freedom of speech! Become your own authority! Fantastic!
1. Feeling that you are suffering when you see what is happening in the world
2. You learn to develop the state of Neutrality – See Perfection in everything
3. You stay in your business, put the focus on yourself and discover what you want to experience!
1. You are alone and you want to be in a relationship
2. You learn how to become, yourself, for yourself, the ideal partner
3. Enjoy your new You! Go out and play!
1. You're working hard, a lot, you're not giving yourself a brake
2. Learn to BE more instead of DO DO DO!
3. See the reality for what it is: a game!
I use the Tarot cards as a tool that I find extremely supportive and I use it as a guidance tool during the person’s journey.
Here are some testimonials from the people who have benefited from this powerful tool.
Justine Alessi et Deborah Waltz were my teachers and with Inelia Benz, inspirations on this journey.
The reality that we have been experiencing since March 2020, offers an incredible opportunity to come back to oneself, to the interior of one’s home, one’s body and observe, evaluate, adjust one’s life.
Do you want to seize this opportunity to help change life in your home, in your head, in your workplace?
Meetings can be made from the comfort of your home.
For virtual meetings I use the zoom platform. You download it from:
I dream of living in a world without fear. For now this world exists only in my imagination. I had the chance to meet a few people who live a life free of fear!
I found them very inspiring and I want to participate in creating a fearless world everywhere on the planet. I start in my part of the country, in Montreal, in the province of Quebec, Canada.
I met Cosmina in a transitional period of my life when I was trying to understand certain things in order to make better decisions for my future well being. Not only she provided me with very comprehensive advice, but she was constantly there for me as a friend. From the beginning I admired her energy and wisdom. After knowing her better, I realized I was fortunate to meet such a special person able to understand so well how we function as human beings. She contributed a great deal to me being even more grateful for all wonderful things life brings my way. And she never forgets to remind me how beautiful I am. Thank you!
Cosmina gave me a framework in which I learned to trust people. By being a role model for me, she allowed me to explore more interpersonal relationships. She guided me in my learning without judgment by respecting my limits and my rhythm. I love our relationship because I feel free, accepted , understood . She shares with me her knowledge, her way of ‘seeing’ situations, things. With her, I am Myself . It shows me new paths to explore and new doors to liberate .
What’s so unique about Cosmina? She is a rare individual who is genuinely concerned about you and you feel she is present each time you are with her. She’s not “elsewhere”, she is truely present. In this day and age, this is rare. Its always a joyous occasion to be in her presence.
Being present, she listens, she doesn’t just dish out advice, she takes interest and our hearts genuinely connect. When she gives advice, whatever she says the manner she says resonates with my heart. This is why …I guess I dont resist, actually I don’t put up much resistance. Because her advice goes home to my heart. You don’t expect a textbook response or advice from Cosmina, sometimes you never can know what she’s going to tell you, its like a Kinder egg, always a surprise, unique and hardly conventional.
When I lamented about my fustrations over love she suggest that I be less overt, and keep my behaviour more discreet and just >….watch and see. Treat it as a game. Her advice is light like a snow flake that falls from the sky, you receive it but you hardly feel its weight, its almost seamless. Her words would resonate for days and weeks and sinks deeper and deeper in my subconsciousness until I find my own way to liberate from my source of fustration.
When you take advice from someone is also because you know she has genuine concern for you, and its not given from a position of ego or “I’m right, you’re wrong”… when you get advice from do-gooders, you feel there is a position of äuthority or superiority that the other person is imposing on you. Obviously, such righteous advice is often ditched instead.
It is rare to come across genuine coaches who transform and give heart advice. I’ve been fortunate to meet some exceptional Dharma teachers when I was meditating in Asia. However I rarely come across an individual amongst lay people whom I resonate with to have that natural deep connection. Cosmina is one of those gems, whom I am grateful that our paths have crossed.
She is a blessing to have in my life and I am confident that it is her higher calling to help raise the consciousness of many sentient beings.
Without realizing, I lived in a world of regret and guilt. Cosmina helped me get my hands on the bobo that always made me sad. Cosmina showed me how to eliminate black ideas and think in a positive way Cosmina has a great sense of listening, inspires great confidence and knows how to put myself very comfortable. After the sessions with Cosmina, I always come out with a feeling of having grown up, optimistic and full of energy. I thank life for putting you on my path.
Cosmina is a force of nature. When you open the door and see her bright eyes and great smile, you know you have been swapped by it. And with the truthfulness of a storm she is getting directly to the real questions. And you immediately get to that true part of yourself and start answering. And your positioning better be true and strong because the strength of her convictions will crush your hesitations. And hesitations I had, we all do! But you let Cosmina in and your truth will start to form.
I have known Cosmina for many years now and I have seen her pass through the many changes. She transitioned from a traditional culture to challenging tradition, from attachment to finding her true self, from an energetic whole to energy, but her constant was always teaching.
She is born to make you understand.
Along the path of hardship, she taught herself and most importantly, always kept teaching the others around, never gave up on her ideas, always improving them by teaching them. I have seen her approach change from direct and inquisitive to observant and empathetic.
And even if she will not question you with words anymore, her eyes, and her presence will still make you want to find the truth in you.
Thank you for being part of my life, Cosmina!
Cosmina was for me a guide in understanding my emotions and gestures. With his support and help, I was able to gradually understand what was wrong and move towards the direction I really wanted, despite the obstacles that arose on my chemim. I managed to grow in my self-esteem and see great improvements in my life. Without his support, I’d probably be in the dark looking for light.
In the space of a year, I became completely another person. I surpassed myself on all levels. Cosmina helped me get the best out of myself, open my eyes, see things as they are. She helped me become that strong woman who achieves all her goals. It’s amazing anything that helped me achieve. I am so blessed to have had the chance to do sessions with her. It’s the best, I recommend it to everyone.
In 2 meetings and with hindsight.. I realized I’m more centered in myself… which means I’m actually less focused on the monetary side. I know deep down that I wouldn’t miss anything.
I am more firmly anchored in my personality and what people may think of me m important bcp less… ( ca depend qui… ).
I love me more, I have greater confidence in myself and in life!
I found out about Cosmina with my aunt’s help.
I was feeling stuck in a point of my life, even though I knew I had an incredible future up front. I was stressed out both psychically and emotionally, and because of this I started to feel physically sick as well.
Cosmina helped me see the world differently and also understand that I am in control over my life. But probably the biggest help was the fact that I had a person that understood my situation and empathised with it, motivating me to further follow my wants and aspirations.
I met Cosmina at my work, she was my office neighbor. It was a real chance to have her there so close every day. Cosmina makes life more beautiful, by her contagious good humor, by her way of going through difficult moments. She is a model of inspiration, so I hated to find her every morning. But most of all, she gave me the greatest gift of all, because of her ability to grasp situations, because of her love for people, she allowed me to get to know myself. She guided me in my inner exploration, I was able to move from the stage where I was subjected to every emotion to the analysis of the emotion itself. By his pertinent questions, little by little I grew up.
While I could be destabilized for hours because of a single event, I have now learned to focus on the present moment, to take the events as they presented themselves and to stop trying to fight them. This way of approaching life makes things much simpler and especially makes us much stronger because it is no longer a question of stirring up the negative emotion that suppresses our energy.
Thank you Cosmina, thank you very much for all that you have brought me, you embellish the world with your joy of living, you give everyone the desire to be better, to be yourself finally. Rid of its negative patterns, the world is better, that’s what you do, little seed by little seed. Continue!
Thank you!!!